1. Go to file à modules à enable Stock Commission Group

  1. In Stock module à commission group, create commission group as G11, if payment within 30days can get 10% commission. 





  1. in stock item set AMD commission group as        G11 

  1. in Sales Invoice, select this item AMD with selling price RM 650 and choose the Agent
     Note: We do not set stock commission in the second item we choose “CANON0210SP” 




  1. Create a Receive Payment and knockoff the invoice.
     Note: Update Agent is important 


  1. Refer to View à Report à Stock Report à Report à Stock Commission 



  1. You can filter by Date, by Agent before preview 


  1. System displayed result as below.
    Notice that the total amount of this invoice is RM 840 which included non commission item
     but system will just calculate the stock commission which we have defined just now